09.27.21 Advanced Commercials: Roger Scott & Guest Directors - SOLD OUT!

09.27.21 Advanced Commercials: Roger Scott & Guest Directors - SOLD OUT!

from $200.00

This six week, advanced level class, taught by Roger Scott, will feature intensive character creation work, using humorous material.

You'll exit this class with 5-10 characters in your voiceover arsenal, to us as prototypes for future copy. You'll be amazed and astounded -- at yourself! But wait, there's more! You'll also be guided by two high-profile, working casting directors, who will put you through your voiceover paces and also talk turkey on the voiceover industry.

Guest Director Lisa Orkin is the Creative Director of The Radio Ranch and has written, produced, directed and voiced thousands of commercials over the last 15 years. Lisa started as an actress and comedian 25 years ago, she has guest-starred in sitcoms and was a featured lead in many TV commercials. Lisa teaches people how to use their own point of view to book jobs, using a combo of scripts and improv to help actors make whatever piece of copy they read, sound like it was written just for them.

Guest Director Amy McInerney is both casting director & main booth director for Elaine Craig Casting & divides her talents as a booth director at one of L.A.'s top VO agencies. Tough, honest guidance from one of the best in the biz!

Class consists of 10-12 students.

If you are unsure whether you have the experience necessary for this class, please email Sue Boyajian at info@northhollywoodsound.com.

6 Weeks, 3 Hours per Class
Course Total $435
Classes begin September 27th
Mondays 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

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